Just wondering if i'm going to experience problems at my venue Sunday.

Location is the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto,indoor venue in the horse palace(yes they
have palaces 
for them.lol)It was and still is after reno's, a hockey rink but with some new seating 
lighting.There is no outside light influence as in the arena up north i frequent.

My quiry is:I am planing to shoot either 3200 B&W or 1600 Fuji colour.My spot meter 
me,for 1000 
shutter speed at 3200, a reading of 2.8 to 3.2. I;m not worried about the B&W but the

The lights are high above the surface,and are not florencent,incandecent of some
sort(mercury vapour 
maybe????).Will i experience any colour shift problems with the colour film,ie: the 
thingy,or should i be ok.I;ll be sitting back a ways,+- 100-150' or so.
Would i be better off shooting the jumps with a flash attached to try and avoid the
'yellows',setting max 
sync and wide open.

I have tried iso 1600 on the d1 once before and they were horible pictures.

Any thoughts.She said B&W would be more than fine,but i have a picture collage i would
like to do fore 
her,and some colour shots would be nice.Its her first time at "The Show"


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