I'm not sure if they are MV lights but they look like them.What ever hockey arena's use

Thanks for the samples Wendy. My main plan is for the B&W,her Mom likes my B&W.:-)
I think i'll put a shorter lens on the D1 and use digital for any presentations or
candids,if i can get back 
stage.They have it all changed around and even have security this year.<g>

I'll check the schedule for the dogs.My friend shows early so i';ll be there around 


                                > Beware of mercury vapour! Does some pretty 
weird stuff.
> http://www.muddypawz.net/dfst3
> I'd play safe and go for the 3200 B&W. You may be disappointed with the colour shots 
> if
the lighting's like I had. Last time I was shooting in an arena (see above) I was only
getting 1/350 at 2.8 so it would appear that it's pretty bright in the Palace. Won't 
to try both if you're able but my first choice would be the B&W.
> While you're there, pop over and take a look at the agility. A few of my friends 
> will be
there competing.
> Wendy
> > Subject: Gasp - a film question
> > 
> >             Just wondering if i'm going to experience problems at my venue Sunday.
> > 
> > Location is the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto,indoor venue in the horse palace(yes 
> > they
> > have palaces 
> > for them.lol)It was and still is after reno's, a hockey rink but with some new 
> > seating
> > upgraded 
> > lighting.There is no outside light influence as in the arena up north i frequent.
> > 
> > My quiry is:I am planing to shoot either 3200 B&W or 1600 Fuji colour.My spot meter

> > me,for 1000 
> > shutter speed at 3200, a reading of 2.8 to 3.2. I;m not worried about the B&W but 
> > the
> > colour.
> > 
> > The lights are high above the surface,and are not florencent,incandecent of some
> > sort(mercury vapour 
> > maybe????).Will i experience any colour shift problems with the colour film,ie: the
> > tinge 
> > thingy,or should i be ok.I;ll be sitting back a ways,+- 100-150' or so.
> > Would i be better off shooting the jumps with a flash attached to try and avoid the
> > 'yellows',setting max 
> > sync and wide open.
> > 
> > I have tried iso 1600 on the d1 once before and they were horible pictures.
> > 
> > Any thoughts.She said B&W would be more than fine,but i have a picture collage i 
> > would
> > like to do fore 
> > her,and some colour shots would be nice.Its her first time at "The Show"
> > 
> > Dave
> >                     


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