The magazines I shoot for want 40 megabyte images. They can be saved as level 12 jpegs or as tiffs. I generally save them as tiffs and submit them on CDs. The stock houses ask for the same resolution.

On Tuesday, November 11, 2003, at 10:05 PM, Doug Franklin wrote:

On Tue, 11 Nov 2003 14:20:28 -0700, David Madsen wrote:

They may have a lot of experience with people submitting 1mp or
2mp images, taken in high compression mode, that look absolutely

This sounds reasonable. I'll give an example. About two months ago, I had some photos that I thought would be interesting to the audience of a particular magazine. I read their submission instructions. They went out of their way to explain that they can't use tiny little digital images (resolution wise) and ones with the subject small within the frame (extra magnification required, resolution falls).

So I took a reasonable shot I'd taken, scanned it at high resolution,
and sent them a 24-bit JPEG of 3500 x 2000 pixels.  It was printed
immediately (in the issue they were laying out at the time).  No
waiting.  That said a lot more to me about the images they get
submitted than about the photo I sent them, which was pretty mediocre,
I thought.

If anyone is interested the photo is at the top right of the last page
of the December issue of Grassroots Motorsports magazine.  It's a very
pedestrian photo of my brother in our RX-7 race car.


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