With the Kodak and now Nikon (others?) announcements, one would think all cos. with high volume low margin film-based products (lines) would be under pressure from the investment community to justify further expenditure (operations) in thse areas. With this pressure and public disclosure guidelines most cos. now follow, I would expect to see more cos. explaining there position in this area over the next half year or so.

Otis Wright

Bill Owens wrote:

I think that all the major manufacturers, with the possible exception of
Minolta (are they a major manufacturer anymore?) have probably made the same
decision, just Nikon has made if official.


And, boy, is it happening much faster than I thought it would.

Me too! And, to have a major player like Nikon make this sea-change move
now is glaringly significant.

Marnie aka Doe Much faster, even though I thought it might happen fast.

keith whaley

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