----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 3:44 AM
Subject: Re: Nikon to stop selling film cameras in Japan...

>           > >The entire industry is abandoning film,
> including the film companies.
> >
> > >William Robb
> How long will film keep in a freezer??Years  and years i am now hoping.<g>

Pretty much indefinitely in the freezer. What does concern me is getting
processing for the small run films.
I expect Kodak will abandon Kodachrome fairly soon (I really must shoot off
the 50 or so rolls I have left), and while E-6 processing will be around for
a while, I expect it is going to start getting rare.
Those in the Toronto area shouldn't have any problems, other than perhaps
driving a bit farther, but those of us out in the boonies may have to start
shipping film to the sour grape.
I think the film that will survive the longest is black and white. It
survived the onslaught of slides, then colour negative, and I don't see why
it won't survive digital, especially since digital is pretty much ignoring

William Robb

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