Nice photos, but i'm not a pro.

only one thing, to speed up your site, you can create some thumbnails and show 
them instead of resized original. so when it shows all the photo in a 
category, you don't have to load *every* photo, even unwanted ones
This will save your band, and your visitors will enjoy it even more



Alle 15:26, venerd́ 14 novembre 2003, Christian Skofteland ha scritto:
> It's not completely finished yet (so far only "nature" "underwater" and
> "sports" have any images; and "sports" is only auto racing currently) and
> it's a bit slow since it's hosted from home over ADSL but I thought I'd
> solicit some comments from the PDML.
> Please let me know what you think.  Positive responses boost my fragile
> ego, negative comments make me work harder.
> Thank you.
> Christian Skofteland

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