Hi Ann
I use two products from Hamrik.Vueslide which is a small free program that ONLY does a
slide show,
(about 500K)and Vueprint,which does slide shows and a few other things,like file
adjustments etc.I put 
the first one on CD's i sell at shows and use the later for customers to view their
pictures on site.
I think i payed $30-40 for Vueprint.Vueslide should work for you.

You can downmload them of of his site.          

                                > I have photoshop elements 2.0  there is a 
> to make a slide show out of
> a collection of images in a folder (at least, that
> is what I'm getting form skimming the
> manual)
> I wanna make cd's with , say, 15 - 20 images that
> someone could use for their
> wallpaper or as a screen saver
> My cousin had something from www.softstuff.com
> which appears to be defunct -
> Does the software that is in PHOTOSHOP  enable me
> to do this?  So I could give or
> sell someone a cd with a photo essay on it that
> they could load on a PC and set
> up as a rotating wallpaper scene.  IT would seem a
> good way to present a
> portfolio for publication, too --
> My cousin had something like this from softstuff
> which included a set up to override
> the local wallpaper settings and put up the
> rotating slide show - she tells me they
> are jpgs of about 120 to 180K each (they looked
> fine - I guess they were set at
> max )
> Now I have to go back to practicing my singing ;)
> annsan


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