Mark Roberts wrote:

> BTW: I've updated my page of photo software links:
> There's now a cheap ($20.00) screen-saver/slideshow app called Amaze and
> several nice freeware apps of various sorts. My favorite is PTFB (Push
> The Freakin' Button), which automatically clicks those annoying Yes/No
> or OK dialog box buttons for you in almost any Windows application.
> --
> Mark Roberts
> Photography and writing

Well, I tried Amaze and it is not for me for a number of reasons. (What i
DON"T want
is stuff that pulses and swims around or does fancy fading.)

Meanwhile the slidshow feature on Elements is easy  - it produces a PDF file

very quickly that looks great.  Still, there is a problem with that one -
though I told it to change every 5 seconds it doesn't change pictures unless
manually forward.  That would be ok for just showing people your stuff, but
I couldnt get out of it without the cntrl/alt/delete routine and the hitting
It is viewed in Acrobat Reader.

Don't think this was the ALBUM program some of you mentioned which might
work better.

Just reporting.


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