At 07:58 AM 11/18/2003 +0100, you wrote:

I have writen a little report about:
Using the F 3.5-4.5/17-28 Fisheye-Zoom plus the freeware program PTLens
gives a lens of about 15-26/3.5-4.5

A detailed explaination with pictures (sorry, up to now only in
German, but look at the pictures or use Altavista translator)

An animation of the result and the link for the installation of the free

It would be interessted to see a comparision between a real
super wide angle of 14mm and the fisheye zoom  with correction.

Could you do such a test?

I downloaded an installed ptlens, but it looks like I will need to do the full panotools to use it. These next several days are extremely busy, but I'll try to give it a shot soon.


Mark Cassino Photography

Kalamazoo, MI


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