>Sorry, I wish I could give you a different advice and I'm sure many
folks won't agree with me, but I'm not going to switching from MZ-S to *ist
D for that same reason.

>Also, my answer could be different when considering different makes.

>Dario Bonazza

I agree, for the same reason, the questionable behavior of lenses on the 
*istD. For now I'd hold onto your lust, sit on it and suppress it, because I am 
also firmly convinced that the *istD will come down in price after the first of 
the year. Jan. or Feb. or March sometime. So if you are set on the *istD 
itself, with no upgrade -- a hundred less is still a hundred less. And possibly 
even less than that.

Hang in there and wait to see what develops is my recommendation.

Although I know waiting is hard. Very hard.

Marnie aka Doe  

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