Everclear is intended to clean glass, which is why the name. However, it is potable alcohol (99%), so you have to buy it in the liquor store and pay tax on it. It figures in some WWII South Pacific stories as Torpedo Juice, Everclear (navy used it to clean submarine parascope lenses) and Pineapple Juice.


mike wilson wrote:


Len Paris wrote:

Occasionally, I craft my own drinks.  Actually just mix stuff together
and see how it tastes.  My most recent endeavor is one I call "Pucker
Power".  It is 2 parts Dekuyper sour apple Pucker and 1 part Everclear.
The Pucker is only 15% alcohol while the Everclear is 95% (190 proof).
Mixed in this ratio it results in a sour apple drink that is 83.33 proof
and tastes pretty good.  It is nothing to overdo, however.

Everclear sounds like something you use to clean car windows on frosty
mornings.  Or that you use for nasal congestion.  Am I wrong?

who likes apple drinks.....

-- graywolf http://graywolfphoto.com

"You might as well accept people as they are,
you are not going to be able to change them anyway."

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