> Many thanks William, and everybody else for your thoughtful responses to
this thread...
> In regards to the digital/film thingy:
> I KNOW that I need to go digital.  I know that I would recoup the $$ in
very little time and I also know that it would be SOOOOOO beneficial for me
out here having no labs etc.  BUT, in Australian dollars, the outlay to go
over to the *istD is over $3000.
> I HAVE decided that I am going to lease one for tax/technology reasons,
but due to my business only being set up this year, I am still required to
place an au$1500 deposit for security.  Might not be much to most "pro"
photographers, but I have 3 kids hanging out for a very generous Santa in a
couple of weeks aaaaaaannd, another little story to tell...
> Three weeks ago, I was shooting graduation portraits in the bush in a town
about 2 hours from mine (it is called Moranbah, if any of you Aussies have
heard of it).  Anyways, light was running out, the kids were all bloody late
(little brats!), and I was RUSHING to get them all through. So, I was
running across a road when I tripped, dropped everything I was carrying and
then turned to watch the next passing car run over everything that I was
carrying!  Aaaaaargh!  So just WHAT was I carrying?  Well, it was a (very
poorly made) Sigma EF430st flashgun, three rolls of NPH400, a Pentax Pz-20,
and a Tamron 28-200mm lens (the same one that shel's friend is selling).
Combined, this was my favourite set up for shooting portraits!  Ok, so of
course I had backup gear, and went ahead with the job no problems (although
with my hands  shaking!).  I was very lucky, cause looking back it most
easily could have
been MYSELF that got collected by the car.  Anyways, I had prompt flash
backs of the PZ-1P that I "threw" over a cliff a few years back (anyone
remember that? Stan saved my butt on that one...), and which I never did
replace.  For some reason, that I can't put my finger on, I have since come
to LOVE the Pz-20 body, and have 3 (well, 2 and one smashed one!) of them,
and think I will stick with them.  They do everything that I have come to
> Of course, everything WAS insured (not that I would get much back, cause
it was all used gear), BUT decided against claiming them due to the time
factor involved.  I would need to source 3 or 4 quotes and then send them to
my insurance company etc, because of course there isn't an agent here in my
town.  To put it into perspective, a gecko crawled into my power supply on
> my pc last year and it took me 6 months to get another one!
> Sooo, basically, my *istD "fund" has disappeared for now, as over the past
three weeks, I have enabled myself with the following items:  another Pz-20,
Pentax FA 28-105mm lens, Pentax FA 50mm f1.7mm lens, 360fgz flashgun.  And
whilst I was at it, I went a bit mad and also bought an Incablitz
flashmeter, Lowepro Nova 5 Camera Bag, SLS 160ws monolight (300 effective
ws), light stand, softbox, umbrella, carry bag.  Phew!

Of course, I am well aware that what I have spent over the past few weeks,
could very well have purchased my *istD outright, BUT I am intending of
going down the "shoot digital have film backup" path, so want to get that
side of things sorted out too.
> I am now at a point where I am quite confident and comfortable in my
"collection" of equipment that I can offer consistent results to my clients.
I do OF COURSE, still want to go digital, but that won't happen until the
New Year now...
> William, I already scan most of my work, and ftp (upload) it to my lab
where they print just as they would if I were shooting digital.  As they are
a Pro lab, the turn around time is generally about 3-5 days, which would
only differ by a day or so if I had actually hand delivered it/picked it up
myself, so I am happy with that side of things.  They also do a fantastic
job. For Aussie members, the lab's website is www.imt.net.au if anyone wants
to check it out.  The delay for me is that I have to send the film off to be
processed first, before I can get to work on it.  That adds another 3-5
days, sometimes more, to the turn around.
> Moral of the story is that when I do get my *istD that side of things
won't really change where my lab is concerned, BUT I won't have to a) mail
order film (as no-one locally stocks any Pro films), and b) won't have to
send film off to be processed.  The trips to Brisbane are for work/bookings.
I am travelling there to shoot weddings, and couldn't possibly comprehend
travelling there for lab stuff (it is a 14 hour drive!).  I welcome the
Brisbane trips as they give me the chance to display a larger variety of
backdrops and locations on my website and also give me a great break for a
day or two from my kids! lol.
> Ok, so sorry that was all so long winded, just wanted to fill you all in
on my "butter fingers" and say thanks for all of your encouraging
> tan.

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