----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tanya Mayer Photography"
Subject: Re: *ist D - with no lens?!?

> I wrote:
> " In regards to the *ist D - it seems that with my line up of lenses, it
> would
>  probably be unwise to NOT purchase the 18-35mm, even though I don't go
>  angle very often.  So, I will keep my ear to the ground and see what
> becomes
>  available after Christmas.  Still planning on leasing at this stage
>  though..."
> Hmmm, now after Bruce's post, I am back to the drawing board... Mucho
> thinking to do before parting with any dosh I think...

I expect that there will be more and more options coming down the pike as
time goes on. My major complaint with the 18-35 is the speed, but this is a
problem with zoom lenses in general, and the no aperture ring, which limits
their use to program mode or shutter preferred automatic on older bodies.
The options Bruce listed are no more than a half stop faster, no big hurrahs
I wouldn't think that you would be using the 18-35 on a back up film body
though, as you have other lenses more suited, though for those times when
you want a very wide angle lens, it will work.
I do suspect that a lot of wide angle zooms coming out for the digital
cameras will probably not cover the full 35mm format properly, so if it is
important to you that the lens work on both platforms, check the lens in
question on a film body, and make sure there is coverage to the edges, and
that the lens isn't mushy in the corners.
Something like a 24-90 might be a very good wedding lens on the ist D.

William Robb

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