On Tue, 9 Dec 2003 00:14:19 -0500, Juey Chong Ong wrote:

> e.g. a font size of 10px is going to look smaller on a 96ppi
> display than a 72ppi display.

This is one of my pet peeves and the easiest way except for using Flash
to get me to go away.  On my 19" display at 1600 x 1200, a 10 pixel
font requires a magnifying glass.  Some jerks specify six and eight
pixel fonts.  I assume they don't want my custom and move on.

> I suggest that you specify font size in points rather than pixels.

I fully concur.  Or even the relative size names like "normal",
"smaller", "small", "larger", "large", "x-large", etc.

> btw, when using proportionally-spaced fonts you only need one space 
> after a period (full-stop), not two.

The browser will usually collapse multiple white space characters in a
sequence down to a single one when it renders the page.


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