Too bad these are only for PC's.

Thanks anyhow!  <g>


Stephen Moore wrote:
> Anthony Farr wrote:
> > If you hate rap music this clip should tickle your funny-bone.  Go to
> > <> and click on the "Gangbangers"
> > link (2nd from top in the left hand column).  A warning, if blue language
> > offends you DO NOT read the description, just download the gangbangers.wmv
> > file which is smut-free.
> What a great promo!
> BTW, whether you love cats or hate 'em (sometimes a hot-button
> issue herein), check out "Funny Cats" on the same page. Eighth
> one down in the right (green) column, and it's hysterical.
> (But be warned: it's also a 2+ meg download.)
> Enjoy!
> Stephen

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