I have just acquired a ME Super SE and it is a very nice little machine.
I started using Pentax with MZ50 which was my main camera and I have
never touched a Pentax MF camera. I was so used to AF that I was
starting to reject the idea of using MF. But recently, I have taken
photography as a serious hobby, I have found out that AF has failed me
many times. Then I started using MF on an AF body. By chance, I saw a
very nice ME super SE on sale at Yahoo Auction in Taiwan, then I decided
to give it a try.

After getting hold of the camera, it is in a mint condition (except the
look) and I was very happy about it. I also bought a FA 50/1.7 for both
cameras, then I found out that the feeling of using MF is incredible.
Now I'm hooked! I also had a chance to play with the seller's LX....
holy smoke.... no wonder everybody likes it! I fell in love immediately
with it!!! That'll be my next target.

Today I bought another lens, Tokina 28/2.8 (with A on aperture ring). It
was a bargain and in mint condition as well... Has anybody had any
experience with it? It will be great if I can get some opinions on it.
I'll try the lens out tomorrow.

Also, I can get my hand on a Pentax 85/2.2 soft lens. It is indeed an
interesting lens as mentioned on Stan's web site. The owner couldn't put
a price on it at the moment. Any experience or thought that you guys can

He also has two converter lenses, 1.4x L and 2x S, both in excellent
condition. I know they don't come cheap and he insisted on selling the
1.4x L with the 85/2.2 lens. What is a reasonable price for those two
converters? I'm going to try to do some searches on the net. But I
thought I'll ask you guys first since you are all more knowledgeable
than me on Pentax lenses.

Thank you guys


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