on 16.12.03 12:15, Tanya Mayer Photography at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Ok, guys and gals, here's the thing - I have this combination MZ-6 (ZX-L)
> and the AF360fgz.  When I purchased the AF360fgz, I read the manual from
> front to back, only to discover that many of the options weren't available
> unless you were using it with an MZ-S (such as high-speed sync, p-ttl,
> wireless ttl etc).  So, tonight, I have opened the manual for my MZ-6, after
> deciding that I don't use nearly enough of its "features", only to discover
> that the manual says that yes, indeedy, I CAN use these functions with this
> combination.  It has led me to wonder, are they also available on the *istD?
> Does anyone else have the MZ-6/AF360fgz and can shed some light on this?  It
> is very strange to me that in the AF360fgz, Pentax would only refer to the
> MZ-S, when in reality (according to IT'S manual), I am able to use the MZ-6
> in much the same way....
The manual for AF360 was written in times when MZ-6 was not available,
that's why they mentioned only MZ-S. And *istD makes full use of features
available in AF360FGZ, althought as I can see there is no proper flash
exposure confirmation in this combo in P-TTL... But anyway it is perfect
flash for *istD, tried it lately and I was satisfied :-)

Best Regards

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