This one time, at band camp, Kostas Kavoussanakis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> As I have kissed my 60 pounds goodbye, I think that some one with such
> an attitude should not be left to deal on ebay. Has anybody ever filed
> a complaint against a seller? Is SquareTrade the one and only option?

I have not made a complaint, but I have lodged a "Non selling seller"
complaint. This is when you have paid for the goods but never recieved
anything. Basically the process is..
Try to contact seller.
File Non selling seller complaint.

>From there, nothing happens. eBay has no further contact from that point.
I did manage to get onto [EMAIL PROTECTED] and asked them for any
progress before I reported the incident to the police. They replied saying
sometimes goods are late in the mail, 2 months in this case, or that the
seller may be on holidays and I should not report the incident and I should
wait. They also promised to further investigate the issue. 
I am still waiting....


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Kevin Waterson
Port Macquarie, Australia

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