You know about matt boxes? A mask is made for the forground. The shots of the sun are made each day with the mask in place, then a sky mask is made and the forground is shot. Camera is probably mounted on a concrete pillar (that is how you do construction record shots), so it will always be in exactly the same place for the sun shots. You can shoot the forground anywhere. Now a days they probably would shoot the forground shot, and do the sun shots on another sheet of film, digitalize then combine in Photo Shop.


Tanya Mayer Photography wrote:

Ok, guys, maybe this is the inexperience coming out in me again, BUT, I
don't "get" this photo.  Technically, how is it possible?  I mean if those
shots truly showed the sun, then how did it manage to show it as a perfect
little circle with no flare/rays etc?  AND if it truly is 38 separate
exposures, each taken at different times of the year, then there should be
different shadows all over the shot everywhere, and clearly they are all
leaning to the left as though the sun is to the right?  I don't know, like I
said, maybe I really don't know much at all about photography, but this shot
just doesn't seem to be "right" to me?  Also, if that truly was 38 separate
exposures then wouldn't the highlights on the stone ruins etc be totally
burnt out?  BUT, then it says there was only one "foreground" exposure, so
how is that possible?

confused, and possibly showing my "blonde" side,

----- Original Message ----- From: "Pieter Nagel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2003 5:18 AM
Subject: Multiple exposure shot over course of the year

Here's something cool: a single frame of film shot with 38 multiple
exposures during the course of the year:

It shows loopy-8 course the sun takes over the course of the year.

    /_)              /| /
   /   i e t e r    / |/ a g e l

-- graywolf

"You might as well accept people as they are,
you are not going to be able to change them anyway."

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