Bill said: "And this is in no way to imply that I find you or your internet
company tiresome. Quite the opposite, I find your posts delightful, and
enjoy poking around your website as well."

Must admit, I *was* starting to wonder if I should take the hint when you
said "Of course, I could also tell someone to piss off, which would mean
that I find their company tiresome."

hehe.  We too, use the term "pissed off", "piss off" etc in Oz, but rarely
is it shortened to just "pissed", which is kind of ironic really considering
how famous Aussies are for shortening almost every common phrase that they
use.  eg afternoon/arvo, sandwich/sanga, spaghetti bolognaise/spag bog.
etc...  Oh, and then there are peoples names - such as Caroline, Darren,
Barry, Russell, Sharon, Kerry, Gary, Larry, Murray, Geraldine (my best
friend's name), who in the traditional Aussie way, are generally shortened
to result in "Cazza, Dazza, Bazza, Rusty, Shazza, Kezza, Gaza, Lazza, Muzza
and Gezza"... lol... try saying that quickly after a few New Year's Eve

tan.  (who is dying to hear Cotty's "comeback" on Bill's use of the term
"poking around" in reference to him viewing my website)...

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