On Sat, 3 Jan 2004, William Robb wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Chris Brogden"
> Subject: Re: It's Stopped Raining
> > It's about -24C right now, but the windchill makes it feel like -30C.
> > Takes a while to scrape the ice off the car every time it's parked, but
> > we're used to it.... I haven't even put on a pair of gloves or a hat this
> > winter yet.  When the days drop to around the -25C range consistently, the
> > winter gear will come out.
> Did you here that environment Canada changed the way it measures wind chill?

Yeah, I heard.  Seems that science has advanced in the last 50 years... go

> You have the disadvantage of living with the same climate I have, but having
> an inland sea right next door.
> I complain about the cold where I am, but Winnipeg gets it way harder
> than we do. I hear Edmonton isn't much fun in the winter either, though
> they at least have a good football team.
> William Robb

True enough... shame about their hockey, though.  :)

Today's going to be brisk.  Should get up to -24C, though the windchill
rating is -37C.  Should be about the same in Regina.


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