
ft> Cory,

ft> The photo you called 10 zig is as good a football shot as one will ever see! 
ft>   It's terrific!  That's as good as anything you'll ever see on the cover of 
ft> Sports Illustrated;  it's that good!

ft> You mentioned the lens.  Was it taken with the *ist D?  Whatever it was 
ft> taken with, I'm impressed.

ft> I too got a calendar for Christmas.  An Audrey Hepburn calendar.  Photos of 
ft> her, not by her.  I have an Audrey Hepburn fetish...

ft> Anyway, glad you had a good Christmas and New Year, too.  I'm still blown 
ft> away by that photo!  <g>

ft> cheers,
ft> frank

Not that often disagree with Frank, but indeed this shot is quite
amazing. The timing is probably just perfect.

Thanks for sharing.


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