Hi all, well, it is 2.12am here and I am heading for bed after a long night
of invoicing, contracts, photoshopping files for ftp'ing etc.

I just wanted to tell you all about my rollercoaster of a day.

Just when I thought I might have been "getting somewhere" with this whole
charging what i'm apparently worth thingy, I was quickly dragged down off my
high-horse by a would-be wedding client.  They had telephoned me in late
November after seeing my website and an add in the paper (this was a local
enquiry), and the bride to be had said "omigosh, i've just seen your website
and you HAVE to shoot my wedding - your images are just beautiful, our
budget is this, but i don't really care what you charge, i just want you,
blah, blah".  So, we talked budget, deposits etc and she promised to pay her
deposit within 7 days as I always require, to reserve her day etc.  Well, 14
days came and went and I telephoned her and she said that they had had some
unexpected bills and so could she pay on 24 December?  No worries I say, I
understand these things.  26th December, no money received, so I phone her
again, reminding her that if anyone else wants her date before her deposit
is paid, and they are flashing $$$ under my nose, I will be forced to give
it to them.  I said this extremely politely of course, and she responded
with "well, too bad, i can't afford it now until 7 Jan, and if someone else
pays before then well that's just not fair because i booked it first".  Ok,
so in the meantime, whilst waiting for 7 Jan to role around, I send her out
a really nice package of information, a very polite "congratulations on your
engagement and thankyou for choosing TMP" letter, some sample images etc.  I
figure this will wet her appetite a bit and maybe make her keep her word
this time.  Well, today, I ring her back to check if she was going to
deposit the payment tomorrow as promised and who should answer but the
groom-to-be, he says to me "oh, is this about the photos.  well, i've
decided that i don't want you as i have found this bloke with a better deal,
thanks anyway..." I ask him if it was the quality of my work that has let me
down and he says "no didn't even look at your work, it was dollar signs that
i was looking at".  Click! And that was the end of that conversation...

Now this was, let me tell you after he was presented with my OLD price
list - imagine what he would've said had I shown him my "new improved,
fairygirl charging for what she is apparently worth" list?!!?  Just goes to
show that I am not "worth" as much as you all seem to think...

So, then my day progresses, and I get a phone call from my kids clothing
lady who starts the conversation by telling me just how much she loves the
work that i have so far completed for her, and really appreciates all of the
extras I have given her, and how she has always loved my stuff etc, and that
she has paid me by depositing the funds into my account.  Ok, so far, so
good...  then i go on to explain about how i am re-assessing my rates and
how i need to start making money rather than just covering costs as i will
never be a true professional photographer until i do (her and i have become
quite friendly during all of this and discuss business/money issues all the
time as she is just starting out too).  she agrees with everything that i
say, even adding comments such as "well, there is no use being in business
if you aren't able to pay yourself a wage" etc.  So, then i explain that any
future work that i do for her will be charged out at either an hourly rate
($25 p/hr) rather than a flat quote, OR on a "by image" basis, whereby she
pays $100 per image that she decides to use on her website/catalogue etc.
Suddenly, her tone completely changes and she says that she could never
afford that and that she would have to fly her dad (a landscape
photographer) up here for any future work.  She said the only reason that
she didn't get him up here for this job was because she loved my work so
much and it is very different from the sort of stuff that he does...  I
said, I totally understand, but I can't keep working so many hours and
palming my kids off to people for no reason, and I thought that of all
people she would appreciate that as we have just completed a business
management course and in the classes she was SUCH a stickler for working out
the financial side of things.  I said "please no that I won't be upset if
you need to use your dad in future, and I am sure that you will be as happy
with his work as you have been with mine and that it will help you to sell
your products just as well", she said "well, i won't be, cause he's a
landscape photographer and you are the only person around here that i really
trust, but i won't have a choice now will i, i'll just have to make do with

Now fairygirl is dragging on the ground, eating dust behind her

Round three - the Arab guy.  Emails me after seeing my packages, and says
"yep, we want you and we want X-package, but without these things in it and
don't want to pay anymore than this for the package with those items
removed..."  He had chosen the smallest package that I quoted, less work for
me sure, but also, not much more profit than I would have for a local
booking, and the items he wanted removed?  Well, they were things that don't
cost me a red cent - one was a web gallery of their proofs (which I upload
for nix to my own domain) and the second was wedding announcements that are
submitted to newspapers in their social pages (again, free to me, in fact
the newspapers generally beg me to submit stuff to fill their pages and make
them look pretty...), so now I am forced to discount an already cheap
package for the removal of items that cost me nothing anyways...

The high-horse runs off into the distance and fairygirl lays in the dirt...

Oh, and then my ever-loving mother arrives on my doorstep, right as I am on
the phone to the groom who was cancelling me, and basically says "I told you
so", finished with "well, it's about time you got off your high-horse and
came back to earth, you just can't expect people to pay that much money for
a few photos...", yeah, I know it, she has no idea what she's talking about
etc... but, it seems like she is completely right today...

Yep, really hot sh*t I am guys, three people (four if you count my mother,
but I am getting used to her) in one day telling me that a) I am not good
enough and b) I am charging too much - now what was it I have been telling
you all along?

Ok, off to drown my sorrows in a big block of chocolate whilst watching
Letterman (he comes on really late here), and then to try and get some


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