Tanya wrote:

> ... imagine what he would've said had I shown him my "new improved,
> fairygirl charging for what she is apparently worth" list?!!?  Just
> goes to show that I am not "worth" as much as you all seem to think...
        No - it only proves that people in general will be as tight
        with their own money as possible and what someone else does
        is considered inferior to whatever they do for their sustanence.
        Human nature is very self-centered - we really are greedy selfish
        creatures when the cards are down. 

        Though we here on PDML are quite photography-oriented, the
        vast range of folks have considered photography as a low cost
        commodity for quite some time now. Most no longer even have any
        experience of much more than snapshots and trying to get them
        to see any difference between a well executed photograph using
        quality equipment and a dimestore 4x6 from a disposable P&S is
        becoming an exercise in futility. 

        Hang in there - just because these folks have shown their
        true colors doesn't mean that everyone out there is of the
        same mindset - though they are gaining ground  ;^(


        Bill D. Casselberry ; Photography on the Oregon Coast

                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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