OMG, WHAT a beautiful site!!

Your niece is more talented than I could ever be Bruce...

Must be in the genes in your family! lol.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bruce Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Kostas Kavoussanakis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2004 2:47 AM
Subject: Re: Techniques [Was: Re: JanEweAviary Pug Comments (all photos,
long post)]

> Hello Kostas,
> This is a link to my niece's site.  She is a working Wedding/portrait
> photographer.
> If you look through a bunch of her stuff you will note that many shots
> are very tight (cropping into the head, etc) and that many are shot on
> an angle.  It is certainly a style.  Some really like it and some
> don't care so much for it.
> Two books that I rather like that might be more what you are looking
> for are:
> The Art of Wedding Photography by Bambi Cantrell  ISBN0-8174-3325-2
> Master Posting Guide for Portrait Photographers
>    by J.D. Wacker   ISBN 1-58428-057-3
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Bruce
> Monday, January 5, 2004, 8:32:17 AM, you wrote:
> KK> On Mon, 5 Jan 2004, Bruce Dayton wrote:
> >> the slight angle type shots
> KK> Could you elaborate on this a little bit please? What are these shots?
> KK> BTW, could anybody recommend a book on photographing techniques? I
> KK> have picked up the theory of things like the rule of the thirds from
> KK> here (PDML :-) and there (just as I am trying to pick up the "slight
> KK> angle" thing now) but nothing systematically. I have an old version
> KK> of Hedgecoe (which I should read again) but would like something with
> KK> less equipment and darkroom (or none at all) and more shooting. Oh,
> KK> and no Photoshop either if possible. I shoot all kinds of things but
> KK> poorly :-)
> KK> Thanks,
> KK> Kostas

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