> "frank theriault" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All of Frank's reply was excellent but this really stood out for me:
> >I'm sure that she just loved the little arrangement she had with you.
> >It seems that you thought of her as almost a friend.  She wasn't.
> >She was a business associate.
"mark roberts: wrote:

> You have no idea how many times people try to rip off others (not just
> photographers) by using this technique (consciously or unconsciously). I
> always had an *idea* of what was going on but never really *got* it
> until Frank put it so succinctly.
This is an excellent observation and one that is completely true in this
instance, more fool me for thinking it, but I really had begun to think of
her as a friend and this is why I initially hesitated so much in charging
her the extra for the next job.

I am GETTING to a reply to all of these wonderful responses to this thread,
please don't think that I am being rude to you all, it is just that there
are SO MANY! lol.  And they are all very detailed, so it is taking me some
time to really "process" it all, iykwim?

tan. (who just got a really nice phone call from Leon and now feels much
happier about things!)

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