Hi guys - I meant to comment on this when graywolf and frank raised it.

Where I am, it is standard practice to ask for money up front, and I have no
problem with that.  If they balk at it, I usually just tell them that due to
me being such a "small" business, I don't have enough through-put with the
labs meaning that I have to pay for the order *when* I send it off, and
don't get the luxury of having accounts with them etc.  I actually like this
though, as it means that I never get this huge surprise bill from my lab at
the end of the month.  Instead, I pay as I order, and we are always

Oh, anyways, back to the topic.  My wedding contract clearly stipulates that
all monies must be paid 2 weeks prior to the wedding.  I require a
non-refundable $350 deposit within 7 days of them booking me to reserve
their day, or it will remain open to other couples.  (Like mapson, I
generally "remind" them that "I am really happy for you to keep looking
around at other photographers and what they can offer you, but please be
aware that I already fully booked that month except for your chosen weekend,
and it is highly likely that another booking could come in before you get
your deposit to me, and if this is the case, and if they wish to pay their
deposit immediately, then the day will become theirs.

And I never do any work, book any flights or accomodation etc, until their
package is completely paid for, that just goes without saying for me.  Eg,
the Arab guy?  Well, he payed me today via Paymate, so I then went ahead and
booked my plane tickets, hire car, accomodation etc, but there is no way I
would've done that until I saw the $$$$$!

Commercial work is different though, as most businesses in this locale work
on an "account" basis, so they get invoiced for their job and my payment
terms are listed at the bottom of the page as "strictly a 7 day account,
remittance can be made by..." etc..  The kids clothing lady?  I emailed her
an invoice yesterday, the money was already in my account when  I woke this

One thing to be said about Country people, they might be tight-wads but they
are usually people of their word!


>           > Chris Brogden said:
> > .  The best way to handle these
> > situations, IMO, is to let your potential clients know that no date is
> > booked until you have received the first deposit, usually 25-50% of the
> > total amount.  No money, no booking.  Period.  No exceptions.  If they
> > can't pay you now, what makes you think their promises to have the money
> > later will hold water?  > chris
> >
Dave said:
> Can't agree more with this statment,Chris.When i first started my horsey
> work,people would
> email me wanting a picture or two.I would tell them the charges and they
would agree,the
> cheque will
> be mailed today type of thing.I would then print the picture and wait and
wait etc.They
> never sent any
> money.
> Now im out X number of $ for ink paper time etc.
> Now its like Ebay.Pay me and i'll do you pictures.
> I still get people ordering and not sending,but now i'm not out any money
> Good luck Tanya with this.I'm sure the people who appreciate your work
will eventually
> find you.
> Dave

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