Ok, so how obvious is this - I just receive three separate emails from this
guy which say:

"Dear eBay Member,

I am sorry to disturb you but i have seen the item you are interested
(TECRA8100 P3-700 Laptop Notebook DVD 256Mb) and i want to make you a great

If you are intersted in this "TECRA8100 P3-700 Laptop Notebook DVD 256Mb"
please email me in next 24 hours so you will get imediatly more information
regarding my idem. The price is 550 USD.

Hurry up and you will get the  great offer and the great disscount :one
brand new nokia 8910i extra bonus !!!

You know you want it. Why not go for it at this incredible price!  If you
are interested contact me so we can close a verry profitable deal for both
of us.   Don't lose this offer because it's the best.  Free shipping &
30-day returns.

Thanks for your time and have a nice day!"

Complete with spelling errors... And just what does "you will get imediatly
more information regarding my idem" mean?!?!

I got one of these for three different laptops that I was bidding on, all
with very different specs.  So I go to check his feedback - it is listed as
"private" - what the hell is that all about?!?!

So, I sent him this email:

"You have GOT to be kidding me?  How stupid do you think I am?!?!  I have
received emails from you with this same offer for 3 separate and totally
different laptop computers.  You have your feedback on Ebay listed as
"private", I'd love to know what sort of an impression you think that gives
to your prospective "customers" or should I say "suckers"?!

Show me your feedback, show me proof that you actually have any of these
computers, and that you are not just trying to rip me off, set up a private
auction THROUGH Ebay that I can bid on, and prove to me that this is not a
scam.  Hmmm, bet THAT doesn't happen...

If I don't hear from you, you can expect to be reported to Ebay within 24


Bloody idiots, how stupid do they think some people are?  What a coincedence
it is that he just *happens* to have three notebooks, all of the exact same
specs as the ones that I bid on....


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