>> Kevin! You paint with light! Cor swipe me!
>> Are you saying that you don't take snaps???
>> One day I'm going to have to digitize the Tony Hancock sketch with all
>> this in and you can all have a listen...
>I am not sure what I have done to upset you, but whatever it was I can 
>assure you it was unintentional. At no time to I set forward to 
>deliberately upset people. What ever the issue is, if you would like
>to contact me off the list, I would be more than happy to discuss any
>issue you have with my behavior on this list.
>Again, my sincere apologies

Er, I think there has been a small misunderstanding - a while back
(actually might be more than a while) I used to have a sig that said:

Swipe me! He paints with light!

it is a line from a Tony Hancock (Brit comedian from the 50s/60s) radio
show called 'Hancock's Half Hour'. They did sketches and skits and one
was about a la-di-da society photographer doing some of Hancock's latest
publicity stills. In the sketch, Hancock and his manager (Sydney James)
encounter photographer Hilary St Claire (played by Kenneth Williams) and
the following exchange takes place...


Syd: Yeah, well. Look Hilary, I've got a customer here for you.

Hilary: (eyeing Hancock) Rather perculiar friends you have Sydney. Most

Syd: Yeah, well, don't start a punch-up Hilary. I want you to take some snaps.

Hilary: Snaps, Sydney?? I don't take snaps! I paint with light!

Tony: (mocking in a high-pitched voice) Oh swipe me, he paints with
light! (pause - aside to Syd) Paints with light.

Hilary: I don't think I like your friend Sydney. I wish I hadn't snapped,
I mean photographed him. I think I should open the camera and let the
light in!

Syd: Now calm down Hilary. All we want is a set of publicity photos. I
want you to get the best out of him.

Hilary: Oh, let's have a look then. (to Hancock) I say, you. Stand under
my arc lights. Hmm. Turn around. Ugh! Heavens. I'm going to have to use a
lot of shadow. There's sort of a lot to hide, isn't there!


I used to have this on my website. I stupidly forget that not everyone on
the PDML knows everything that I have previously written, and so it is me
who must apologise.

If you'd like to read the whole sketch, please email me off list and I
will email it to you, and anyone else that would like to see it, lest we
disturb Mr Dayton with the dreaded British humour :-)



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