
I've sort of been collecting photos of "people and their bikes" over the last while, and I've started to get them printed. My first large print was of this lovely looking couple I saw walking down the street. I asked if I could take their photograph, we chatted a while, and I took three or four shots. From the contacts, this was the best one; I really like the way she's looking at him:


And, of course, when I get the 8x10 back today, I notice that her expression is wonderful, alright, but he has his eyes closed!! Damn it! Unfortunately, the other shots of this couple aren't particularly interesting. Still, it aint' a horrible shot. Just not as nice as I'd hoped for. Sigh...

Oh well, I've got a bunch more "people and their bikes" shots to get blowed up. We'll see how they turn out. Could be the start of a project...

And then, I get home, and think to myself, "I'll do my PUG Comments before I go look at PDML and waste a couple of hours wading though 200 or so posts." Which I did. But, after 1/2 hour and quite a few comments, I accidentally hit a wrong key (I still don't know which one it was, but I was really in a groove, and my fingers were flying (but not accurate, apparently <g>), and deleted the draft. Damn it again! Oh well.

Cold spell comes into town 2nite. Winds up to 70 km/h, and the temp drops down to around -20 or -25C (plus the windchill). High tomorrow of only about -15C. Hope the winds die down, or it's gonna be a cold day on the bike! <g>


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