Nice shot Frank. Like Bob, I don't think it the eyes closed are too bad
either. Reminds me (weird mental links) of a less lonely version of that
image of James Dean walking down a New York street. Nice poses too. One
thing though.. the text reflection in the shop window, shouldn't it be


PS. Hey I just bought a bike the day before yesterday! I'll send you a pic
once I get round to it :-)!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "frank theriault" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 9:53 AM
Subject: Two Things That P***ed Me Off Today!

> Hi,
> I've sort of been collecting photos of "people and their bikes" over the
> last while, and I've started to get them printed.  My first large print
> of this lovely looking couple I saw walking down the street.  I asked if I
> could take their photograph, we chatted a while, and I took three or four
> shots.  From the contacts, this was the best one;  I really like the way
> she's looking at him:
> And, of course, when I get the 8x10 back today, I notice that her
> is wonderful, alright, but he has his eyes closed!!  Damn it!
> Unfortunately, the other shots of this couple aren't particularly
> interesting.  Still, it aint' a horrible shot.  Just not as nice as I'd
> hoped for.  Sigh...
> Oh well, I've got a bunch more "people and their bikes" shots to get
> up.  We'll see how they turn out.  Could be the start of a project...
> And then, I get home, and think to myself, "I'll do my PUG Comments before
> go look at PDML and waste a couple of hours wading though 200 or so
> Which I did.  But, after 1/2 hour and quite a few comments, I accidentally
> hit a wrong key (I still don't know which one it was, but I was really in
> groove, and my fingers were flying (but not accurate, apparently <g>), and
> deleted the draft.  Damn it again!  Oh well.
> Cold spell comes into town 2nite.  Winds up to 70 km/h, and the temp drops
> down to around -20 or -25C (plus the windchill).  High tomorrow of only
> about -15C.  Hope the winds die down, or it's gonna be a cold day on the
> bike!  <g>
> cheers,
> frank
> "The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds.  The
> fears it is true."  -J. Robert Oppenheimer
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