
Gotta be practical here.  How many of the original buildings, pre-roman era 
of wooden construction are standing in London? ...Or anywhere in Britain?  We 
don't have the original log cabins that were built in out cities either.

Abraham Lincoln's family's homestead is still preserved in rural Illinois, 
log cabins and all.  But this is a special case as he was famous in time to save 
the homestead.

Regards,  Bob S. 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] quotes & writes:
> Folks here were clearing land for subsistence farming.  Construction was 
> primitive.  There is very little worth saving.

I would think that's exactly the kind of thing that *is* worth saving.

That kind of primitive construction is exactly the equivalent of the
post holes and similar relics being excavated at L'Anse aux Meadows.
The difference is that those Viking settlers (if they were settlers) are
just a curious footnote in history and had no lasting impact on
aboriginal American culture or on European culture.

Given the impact Vikings had in other areas they settled - modern Russia,
Ireland and Britain for example - they could have become well established
in North America. In that case you would, presumably, have described
sites like L'Anse aux Meadows as primitive and hardly worth saving.

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