
Looking at my archive, I have shot about 10,000 35mm in the last 12 years, and
another 1500 645 frames in the last 6 years.

Interesting excercise! Looking at my archive, I have in 17 years shot somewhere between 10,000 and 12,000 pictures with 35mm, 10mm and APS cameras.

In August, I bought a small P&S digital, and in those five months I've
taken 6,600 pictures with it.

My shooting habits have changed a bit, but not as much as the differences in
numbers indicate. I'm still interested in the same motifs, which means that my
shooting opportunities are more dependent on available leisure time than
anything else.

I'm also interested in the same kind of motives as I was before, but the close-to-nothing cost of each shot definitely makes me shoot more. Another factor is that since this P&S is so very small, I actually carry it all the time. Never leave home without it. As soon as I see something funny, odd-lloking or interesting in the street, I can take a couple of pictures of it. Any time. And I do.

I don't think a big, fancy DSLR would have the same effect on my shooting
habits, though, since I wouldn't carry it all the time, and it wouldn't
be as unobtrusive as this little camera is. I'd probably shoot more than
I did with film, but not *that* much more.

-------------------------------- << a picture a day, all taken with the dp&s

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