Boris DID ask for suggestions ... iac, your comments were well thought out and quite 
germane to the general subject of this list.  And if
Boris or someone else thought they were out of line, or that you are full of crap, the 
heck with them.

Frankly, I get the sense that "very nice" is a good critique here, but worthless as 
teats on a boar hog in the long run.  I appreciate your
efforts, even when I don't agree with you.


graywolf wrote:

> Now, I feel bad. I did not think I was criticizing Boris's photos. He aked, I
> though, for help in improving his photography in the future. I thought I
> addressed that very thoroughly in fact giving what amounted to a free class in
> advanced photo techniques. Now it seems that all that I should have done was
> say, "Very nice".
> I guess, I wonder, does anyone apperciate my efforts here? Or should I just
> figure all folks are doing, in cases like this thread, is sharing their
> snapshots and shut up?

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