I don't know how they stack up right now, but a number of years ago, a
friend was looking to buy a camera system.
At that time, the Pentax 80-200 f/2.8 zoom was about 40% more expensive than
the equivalent Nikkor focal length.
That price difference cost Pentax the sale in this case. The guy went with
the Nikon system.

For many years, Nikkor 80-200/2.8 have remained the cheapest among 2.8 tele-zooms (until AF-S & VR). This really gave Nikon an advantage.

The best Nikkors are indeed very good lenses, but I find the look of their
images rather harsh.
I bet they do great test targets though.

Perhaps due to the very contrasty and vivid colour characteristic? Like most National Geographic pctures which have been heavily enhanced by Photoshop.

Alan Chan

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