OMG!!!! HOT NEWS!  I can't BELIEVE that I am the one to "reveal" this!!
Little 'ole me in my sleepy 'ole one horse town! lol...

I just got an email from CR Kennedy - they are the equivalent of Pentax USA
in Australia.  It is a little cryptic, but check out the second sentence!!

I have included my original email to them, so that you can see what I was
asking of them too...

I am totally amazed by this, that they were so candid to tell me this
information! - do you all think I should really take their word for it or
are they just "blowing wind up my you know what"?  The third line makes me
think not, and that they are completely genuine in their response...

"Dear Ms Mayer,

Thank you very much for your interest in the *ist D.

There will be no *ist D replacement announced at PMA.

The investment necessary for the production of a Digital SLR is so huge that
the model life must be long.

We do not offer consumer  rebates in Australia , as our prices already
reflect  the current factory price reduction.

We will be delighted to quote you directly on your *ist D requirements.

Please contact
<salesperson's name snipped>
C.R.Kennedy & Company Pty Ltd
663 Chapel St
South Yarra
Vic 3141
Tel    +61 3 9823 1555
Fax   +61 3 9827 7213

Fairy's email to them:

"Hi there!

I was just wondering if you might be able to shed some light on how this
might effect prices in Australia?

Also, will we here in Australia, have access to the us$200 cash back for
purchase with the 16-45mm lens?  I am looking to purchase this also!

Any information would be greatly appreciated, as I am wanting to buy a at
least one of these bodies for my kit (*had to make it sound worth their
while to respond to me! lol*).  I am wondering if this announcement could be
preceding an announcement of a newer DSLR though, and think maybe I should
hold off to see what is just around the corner. Or maybe released at PMA?

Many thanks,

I know I was a bit cheeky in asking these things, but hey, they could only
say "no comment" or leak some very cool info, so I thought "what the heck?"

So, I am going to ring them on Monday morning and ask them just what their
"current prices that are reflecting the current factory price reduction"
are.  I still think I will save myself a few hundred bucks by purchasing
from the likes of B and H, particularly with the DA 16-45mm lens, but the
Australian warranty would definitely be a bonus....  ALTHOUGH, on second
thought, lol, I have just found THIS on their website on the FAQ's page...

"Q. I bought my camera outside Australia and repair is needed within 12
months of purchase.

A. You must provide a properly completed International Warranty Certificate
and purchase receipt, which can only be provided by the retailer or
distributor in the country of purchase. C.R Kennedy & Company cannot provide
free service without sighting these documents. "

I am assuming that purchasing from someone reputable like B and H or
Adorama, I would automatically qualify for an "International Warranty
Certificate" - can anyone clarify this?

Ok, so I am going back to hide in my little hole now and watch as you all
start taking bets over this "new" information!

And, I am even more floored by the fact that I received this email at 7.10am
on a Sunday morning!! It is genuine though, comes from the correct ISP and
all names and contact details are totally correct, so I think that Pentax
Australia may have one very motivated sales person! Either that, or they've
been swamped with queries since the Pentax USA announcement... OR he just
needs to get a life! lol, either way, I don't mind, what a great way to
start a Sunday morning...


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