On Sat, 31 Jan 2004 15:22:08 -0500, you wrote:

>In some cases when the price drops, the maker is clearing the way for a
>Kenneth Waller

Most likely Pentax got wind of the Nikon D70, coming in at sub$1000
price, and the new DA Nikon zoom 18-70/3.5-4.5.  The D70 is a true
competitor to the *istD, unlike the Digital Rebel which smells of toy
but is not totally without merit.  

I'm tempted by D70's 1/8000 shutter and 1/500 flash sync (the sensor
acts as second curtain to give the fast sync) and RGB metering, in a
nicely featured body very like the D100 and *istD.

I'd say there's tough times ahead for any Pentax DSLR still sitting in
the old D100 price range, or anywhere much above a thousand bucks
street price.  

I think Pentax missed a beat by not installing an AF system the equal
of the Nikon F5 in the *istD, which would have given it value heads
above any price-point competition.

John Mustarde

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