Hi Fritz

No I meant "Modern pentax flashes could damage older
pentax bodies". Thats the info pentax gave me and I
think I've seen it around the internet also. Your
statement makes most sense to me and I get confused
when others states the opposite. Even if I don't use
this flash on the *istD and instead buy a new one, I'm
curious how it works.


--- Frits Wüthrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think you mean: " older flashes can damage modern
> Pentax cameras".
> The old trigger voltages were no problem in the past
> as cameras of that
> era, like the MX, have a mechanical contact.
> With the modern cameras, electronics are used in
> just about any area of
> the camera, including the flash circuitry. I would
> not even want to try
> using a flash which has more then 5V trigger voltage
> on any modern
> camera, Pentax or not. Don't try it I would say.

> On Wed, 2004-02-04 at 13:43, Peter Hillerstrom
> wrote:
> > Hi
> > 
> > I have an older flash for my praktica camera which
> I
> > wondering if it'll work on my *istD. It's an
> Starblitz
> > 2500 BTZ. It has only the center connector in the
> > hotshoe and work as an auto-flash (light sensor on
> > flash). I'm worried if the flashvoltage could
> damage
> > the *istD. I've read on the net that newer pentax
> > cameras can handle up to 600 Volt. Is this true
> for
> > the *istD. And what about the other smaller
> connectors
> > for data in the hotshoe, they may get in contact
> with
> > the center pin. I measured the voltage on the
> > centerpin on the flash to about 60Volt when the
> flash
> > is charged. I talked to Pentax about it and their
> > answer was that I only should use Pentax flashes
> (of
> > course) and that modern pentax flashes could
> damage
> > older pentax bodies. I've searched the net for
> info on
> > this subject without much luck.
> > 
> > /Peter 
> > 
> > 
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