Aric, are you still in the SE Ohio area?  These names
are familiar to me; I was at Miami U in 1970 when the place
was shut down due to Vietnam War / Black Panther type protests.
Back then, the teams were all Redskins.  And, like you, I cannot
remember what they are now called.

Rothman, Aric wrote:
A few years ago, to abundant alumni objection, by wife's alma
mater, Miami University (in Ohio), changed their team name
from "Redskins" to something else...something so forgettable,
I've forgotten it ! ;)

The University had leave from the leadership of the Miami
Indian tribe to use the name.  In fact, the tribe was pleased
to be associated with such a fine institution.  And set
this sentiment to paper, in letters to the University.  However,
student activists, probably prodded by more than a few
malcontent professors, stirred things up enough that the
name was ultimately changed.

One friend quipped they changed the name to the
Miami Thinskins.

A similar thing happened at my school.  Wright State University
used to have a diminutive Viking as a mascot (think
Grimli from LOTR, but comic)  Aforementioned malcontents
thought this mascot was too masculine.  Now WSU is called
the (in mocking tone) "Wolfpack," complete with gender-
neutral wolf mascot.


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