I love a good anti-management (or at least big is often not better) rant!

Sometimes the old socialist in me gets roused. <g>


"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears it is true." -J. Robert Oppenheimer

From: "Bill Owens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Public Transit (was Speed Cameras)
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2004 13:34:50 -0500

If management treated their employees decently, they wouldn't have to be
concerned with unions. This is a result of personal experience. At
Piedmont Airlines, we were treated well by management, were paid a fair
wage, and delivered great customer service. When we were bought our by
Useless Air (US Airways), the relationship immediately became adversarial,
employee morale went down the tube, as did customer service. Within 2 years
we found a union to be absolutely necessary, and even today management tends
to push the envelope of their contracts right to the edge.

Sorry for the rant

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