Hello Ramesh,

A few years back, I had the Tokina.  It was quite good, too.  I don't
remember it being any sharper than this new Tamron.  It was quite a
bit heavier and didn't focus nearly as close.  No comparison on that
front.  Given the choice today (I had that choice), I went with the

Best regards,

Saturday, February 14, 2004, 8:47:48 AM, you wrote:

RK> I am also looking for zoom in 28-70+ f2.8 range.
RK> I was concentrating on Tokina 28-80 (499usd).
RK> This Tamrom lens seems to be new model and its lot
RK> cheaper(319usd) 

RK> Do you know how does Tamron compare with the Tokina in
RK> optical performance?
RK> I am not very much worried about build quality.

RK> Thanks
RK> Ramesh

RK> --- Bruce Dayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I recently purchased one.  Overall, I am quite
>> pleased with it.
>> Build quality is pretty good, not as solid as a
>> Tokina, but feels
>> solid.  Weight and size are very reasonable for the
>> specifications.
>> Sharpness is very good - compared it to my FA 50/1.4
>> and Tamron SP
>> 90/2.8 Macro - not quite as good as either of those,
>> but not far off -
>> very respectable for a zoom.  The zoom is smooth and
>> one real plus to
>> me, manual focus is very reasonable.  There is
>> enough drag for it to
>> feel good - not as smooth as a true manual focus
>> lens, but much better
>> than the average AF lens.  On top of all that, it
>> focuses VERY close
>> at all focal lengths.
>> Given the price, I am most happy with mine.
>> Bruce
>> Friday, February 13, 2004, 11:24:18 PM, you wrote:
>> CW> Just wondering if anyone on the list has had any
>> experience with this lens.
>> CW> The reviews are very good and was wondering how
>> it might compare with Pentax
>> CW> lenses.
>> CW> Regards
>> CW> Charles Wilson
>> CW> (Sydney)

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