----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2004 6:41 AM
Subject: Did i make a boo boo

>           Just finished a roll of Kodak Portra 100T,which i thought
was their version of
> the C41
> based B&W films.
> Bill i think i need more coffee than you today.LOL
> I have realized the mistake and did a quick look at the film on
Kodaks website.It states
> it is for tungsten
> light,interiors etc.
> I shot this as B&W themes out door in sunny snowy conditions.
> Am i screwed here.????
> Dave(waiting for response before delivery to lab)Brooks

Get it processed, and either adjust the colour in photoshop (I recall
a plug in that allows for colour filter emulation, perhaps it is on
Mark Robert's website), or just desaturate it and fix the levels.

It may look a bit odd, but you never know, you might start a fad.

William Robb

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