I'd suggest that there are a lot of "snapshooters" on this
list.  There are about 600 list members, but only a handful
that frequently participate in discussions/arguments. What
kind of photography do those other 500 or so people do?

As for singing pigs, well, I'd like to suggest Ricky Jay's
book, "Learned Pigs and Fireproof Women" <LOL>

John Francis wrote:

> THere are three sorts of people who use camera.  One group who
> regard the image as art, one group who see a challenge in getting
> the best possible capture of a particular scene or moment.  Both
> of these groups are represented here.  But in the real world the
> largest group by far are those for whom neither the technical
> skills nor the artistic vision are important - what they want is
> a memento. (Some folks here refer to these as 'snapshooters').
> Lamenting that a snapshooter has never learned the photographic
> skills is like lamenting that your pig has never learned to sing.

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