I think the folks that would have done well 30-50 years ago will still
do well with automatic cameras, whereas folks that used to get
instamatics can now buy a Rebel.  Most of us learn when to turn off the
automation.  I have found that I trust AE but have increasingly gone to
MF.  When I do use AF, it's because the camera is faster than me and I
have a better chance of getting the shot.

And, of course, the argument in the article is dumb. To really make the
point, you should compare yourself with a comparable photographer form
35 years ago, not one of the great masters.  Of course, for some of us,
that comparable photographer would be ourselves.  ;-)

Oddly enough, I do agree with one point, however.  The only real level
of automation I enjoy would be AV preferred for film cameras. For
digital, I would add iso and white balance.

Steven Desjardins
Department of Chemistry
Washington and Lee University
Lexington, VA 24450
(540) 458-8873
FAX: (540) 458-8878

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