Cotty wrote:
> On 16/2/04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] disgorged:
> > I have both I Motor LX the Winder LX, the and the winder
> > is quieter than the motor.  (I've never heard a Motor MX).
> > Notice I said, the LX shutter was more noticeable, based
> > on my experience the LX is really no louder, it may even
> > be quieter in absolute decibels, the pitch is just unfortunate.
> You know when you're at the movies and there's a sequence in the film
> where a photographer is snapping away - say at some function or other -
> and there's an off-camera sound of a still camera motor drive? Sometimes
> they sound crap and sometimes they're too slow or too fast etc.
> If you could hear the most perfect sound of a film still camera motor
> drive, it would be the motor drive for the Pentax MX!

Okay, Cotty, send me your recording of that, please. . .  <g>

> Cheers,
>   Cotty

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