Ah, I'm not dork enough to fall for that one on April 1st. But nice try...
(If you would've said you wer switching to Polaroid from now on though, now
THAT I could've believed...)

Subject: My switch to APS

> I want to let everyone know that I shall no longer be printing my own
> black and white.  I've been quite impressed with some of the recent
> technological innovations which I have seen lately, and I am now taking
> all of my photos with an APS point and shoot and ISO 400 C-41 film.  The
> level of quality from such an instrument is surprising, at least to
> me.  The grain is very pleasing, and evokes fond memories of shooting
> Kodak's recording film, especially when I enlarge the prints.
> I have already bequeathed the majority of my Pentax equipment to select
> list members, so if you haven't received an e-mail from me about it then
> you can safely assume that I don't much care for you.
> I have no regrets.  I've done a lot of B&W work in my life, and now I want
> to devote my remaining days to unravelling the mysteries of APS.  What a
> wonderful format!  And I never have to worry again about misloading film.
> Not to mention the three different picture sizes.  I always had trouble
> figuring out how to crop, burn, dodge, and all those other darkroom
> techniques, and now I don't have to.
> Good riddance to bad 35mm!
> --
> Shel Belinkoff
> There are no rules for good photographs,
> there are only good photographs.
> -
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