>Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2004 08:05:58 -0800 
>From: Shel Belinkoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>Been thinking about getting a bulk film loader.  Is anyone 
>still using these things.  Which brands are considered 
>better?  I'd want a very good quality loader and don't mind 
>paying a little extra for it. 

Yup.  Have 2.  Both with TMax, 100 & 400.
The quality if the various units I looked @ were all about the same.
The difference I saw was mostly convenience.
If you're concerned about cost, the shorter ones will provide
for less leader loss.

Of more concern is the quality of the cartridge you use.
Some of the metal ones are for a dozen or so uses and then to be
disposed.  Apparently they aren't built for the friction and
can scratch your film base.
I use the plastic ones & have never had a problem.  Just keep the
light seal brushes clean.


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