Congrats, Tan!!

I've only read a few responses so far, but as far as it being "unethical" to charge twice for the same pic, you of course know that's not true.

Is it ethical for the newspapers to splash your photo on the front page (hell, they must have thought it was a newsworthy shot!) and not pay for that photo?

I give my stuff away all the time. But I'm not a professional. This is your living. You have to charge for it.

Lecture over.

Now I'll read the rest of the thread <g>.


"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears it is true." -J. Robert Oppenheimer

From: "Tanya Mayer Photography" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Freakin' heck...!!!
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2004 13:59:07 +1000

The Newspaper deadline I was talking about? I got a front page!!!!

I got home from Brisbane at midnight on Sunday night - there was a message
waiting for me from some Mining Union guy, asking if I could attend a picket
line and industrial dispute the following morning (yesterday).

I was to photograph four miners that got their jobs back after being
retrenched and going through a huge court battle with one of the biggest
mining companies in Australia.

So, I took some shots, got paid 100 bucks, burnt them to cd, came home and
took the kids to school.

During the day I got phone calls from 3 separate newspapers looking for my
pics. So, I happily emailed them off, not asking for any $$ as I had
already been paid by the Mining Union and it was only like 15 minutes work.
It would have been unethical to have been paid twice for the same job. I
said as long as I got photo credit then I'd be happy for them to use it...

Well, bugger me dead, I just went to the newsagents, and look what I found!!

Front page, full colour, that is my freakin' photo!!

I just got a call from the Morning Bulletin asking if I would be interested
in future work if they needed anyone in my region, but the would "prefer to
pay" for my work in future!!


The other two papers come out tomorrow, so we'll have to see what happens.

Here is the original shot (132kbs, might take a bit to load):

Sorry, totally off topic, but I just had to brag!  I have been working my
butt off to get stuff to these papers in time all day yesterday and today,
and it appears to have paid off!


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