Whether or not it protects you or not I can't say for sure, but the
documentation plainly states, with a Outlook 2000 updated to current
security patches, that until you open the mail all the way scripts cannot
run.  It also tells you when a email contains scripts ahead of time.  From
what I can see Outlook is actually way more secure then Outlook express 6.
It does not allow any files attached that match the definitions in what is
termed level 1.  The mail will come in with the attachment deleted.  This
does not 100% stop virus attachments from coming in, but it does kill most
of them.  If you run in restricted mode scripts are not supposed to run
period if I understand correctly.  I simply turn off preview when
downloading emails so I can see who they are from etc and if attachments are
present.  This way I can delete the file without it having any opportunity
to run.  Then I turn on preview and read my mail as usual.  I believe the
updates and patches for Office 2000 make a big difference for security in
the Outlook your referring to.

I believe the only way your going to be completely secure is to run a email
client that supports text only email and/ or Linux, which to be quite frank
is quite booooring!!!  There is a lot of nice attributes to html and scripts
that I truly enjoy.  I have friends that send me very creative stationary
that would be missed otherwise.  I have to turn off the restricted zone
security settings to view them after I verify who they are from.  The main
thing is just be careful.  If you can't enjoy your computer what's the sense
of it all in my opinion.  A computer is a tool, but it also can deliver a
lot of pleasure.  Learn how to work the security features of the programs
your running to their full advantage IMHO.

Just my 2cents worth

-----Original Message-----
From: Herb Chong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 6:21 AM
Subject: Re: clever virus attack (Att. Dalal)

i refuse to install Outlook 2000 on my machines because it still remains
vulnerable to scripting viruses in emails. they run whenever you have
preview enabled.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jostein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 3:44 AM
Subject: Re: clever virus attack (Att. Dalal)

> It does not "depend on an exchange server".  Outlook can be configured to
> use perfectly ordinary SMTP servers, IMAP servers, POP3 servers, and the
> secure variants. During installation you get all the necessary questions
> configure it properly, it's all about installing the right services to
> You can modify your installation later as well if you like.

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