>In a message dated 3/4/2004 8:15:28 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
>As a "pure composition" (I don't know how better to put it), it's 
interesting.  The shape of his dark jacket against the brighter background, 
heavy at the bottom of the frame, lighter at the top.

>As a "human" photograph, I'm not so sure.  I'm guessing he's sleeping, due 
to the way he's slumped over, but what's he all about?  What's the photo all 

>It really doesn't say much to me - but maybe that's the point?

>I purposely typed this before going to look at the other critiques.  I'll be 
interested to see what they said, and how you responded.

I just don't know how to take this...  <vbg>


He's not real, frank. Shel constructed him. Maybe. Or maybe someone else did. 
That is my educated guess, anyway.

Look at where the guy meets the brick.

I could be totally wrong. But we shall see.

Later, Marnie aka Doe 

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